What is Intergen?

Our Core Purpose:

To influence the culture and practice of ministry with children and their families through strategic

  • relationships
  • resourcing
  • and specific ministry development

…with a particular emphasis on intentional intergenerationality

Our Core Aspirations

We seek to influence, share and grow the practice of ministry with children and their families
amongst local churches, Christian communities and their leaders.

We long to see ministers, local churches, Christian communities and their leaders theologically
equipped, practically resourced and strategically supported for effective ministry with children and their families

We desire to be recognised as a creative, collaborative, catalytic organisation that is positively
influencing ministry thinking and practice amongst local churches, Christian communities and their leaders.

Our Current Priorities

Developing and disseminating resources that support intergenerational ministry
Assisting the growth, development and sustainability of Messy Church in Australia
Resourcing individuals, churches and other entities in order to develop and sustain best practice
ministry and mission with children and their families, including a focus on intentional