This week we continue to reflect on the theme of Check Your Heart with the opportunity to Rest & Refresh our spirit. When we are preparing to go out into the world as image bearers of the Divine, where we sit with in our own spirit says everything about how people will see God in us. Last week we began this season with a healthy dose of attitude check. This week we hear Jesus’ invitation to stop for a moment. To rest, refresh and put us in the right position to battle any of the challenges that might come our way in future days. In a world where fullness of life has been measured by how busy you are, the invitation to stop, rest and refresh our spirit may seem confronting. Yet, the very act of doing so keeps bringing us back to God, strengthening us and preparing us again to head out into the world. In a now post-pandemic world, one of the gifts encountered globally was this imposed need to stop. To do less and be more. Our activities this week invite us into some of the holy habits which encourage us to practice resting and refreshing.
Our embodiment activities today focus on the Matthew 11:25-30 passage. We will have the opportunity to engage our imagination in a Paint it! activity, as we reflect on what it looks like to rest in Jesus. We further develop our prayer habits encouraging us to find rest in Jesus with a prayer letter, a Rest & Refresh Colour it! activity and finally some restful prayer beads for meditation.
When we first begin to stop, rest, reflect and refresh it can feel awkward and clumsy. The encouragement for us all is that with continued regular practice, this habit becomes a natural and welcome addition to our Faith Building Toolkit.
Written and Compiled by Rev Amanda Nicholas