Year B Easter 3 (14/4)

Free Resource


This week there three resources to explore – a bible drama that engages with the 1 John 1:1-3 reading, a song based on 1 John 3:1 and a song that through its emphasis on faith is linked to the reading from Acts 3.

Sunflowers, bananas and a blackboard! It may be a surprise to you that these three items are incorporated into a drama/bible reading based on 1 John 3:1-3. In essence, this resource explores the idea that we should be called children of God because that equals what we are. Yet, at the same time, what we are now is less than what we will be. Enjoy!

The simple song “See How Much” is a powerful reminder of the reality of God’s great love for all of God’s creation. Based on a direct translation of 1 John 3:1, it uses the image of “father” for God – which may be considered problematic in some contexts. Should this be the case in your space, feel free to change the relevant line to something more inclusive.

In the reading from Acts 3:2-19, Peter is explaining how his faith – like the ancient faith of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, is now fulfilled in faith in the name of Jesus – Jesus who has shown his power over death and revealed his identity as the Lord. Peter speaks of having faith in the name of Jesus, and living by this faith, healing by this faith, being saved by this faith. The song “By Faith” is a reminder to us of God’s faithfulness, the lives of faith of God’s people through time and through to our lives of faith now.

Additional information

Bible References

Acts, John


Year B

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

Year created