Epiphany 3 (21/1)

Free Resource


This week God’s salvation threads its way through our readings – whether it’s Jonah crying out God’s message and the people of Ninevah responding (Jonah 3: 1, 4-5), Jesus proclaiming the good news of God (Mark 1:14) or David’s declaration in Psalm 62 naming God “alone is my rock and my salvation” (verse 6).

We might often hear, and use, the language of salvation, ‘being saved’ or ‘good news’, but what is it? What does it mean for our communities, as well as each of us, and why does God’s good news matter? As we see with the belief and repentance of the Ninevites, it spares them from judgement and changes the ways they live. For David it is a rock on which he can stand in faith trusting God. For the people of Galilee it’s an invitation. Perhaps for us it’s all of this, wrapped up in following Jesus.

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Bible References

Jonah, Mark, Psalm


Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Melissa Neumann

Year created