Year B Pentecost 8 (14/7)

Free Resource


This week, the book of Ephesians is included in the Lectionary readings. For seven weeks, Churches and Christians all around the world will be reading, and gaining new insights, from this book.

Ephesians is a letter that Paul wrote to the early Christian believers in Ephesus. It’s full of blessings, encouragement, instruction, and statements about God’s divine plan and our part in that.

This week, the five resources will focus solely on the Ephesians 1:3-14 reading – twelve verses full of statements about God’s spiritual blessings and divine plan. There are so many ‘treasures’ included in this reading that you’ll want to read it a number of times to allow it all to sink in!

The resources provided give many opportunities for people to hear, engage with, reflect on, and respond to God’s spiritual blessings in their lives.  It is hoped that people can fully ‘breathe in’ God’s goodness, grace and forgiveness, and have time to reflect on what God’s blessings mean to them.

Through listening, speaking, chatting, creating, watching, breathing and writing, it is hoped that people with different learning styles, and of all different ages, will be able to truly embrace all that God has done for them.

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Bible References



Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Katherine Ruhle

Year created