Year B Pentecost 24 3/11

Free Resource


These resources are adapted from the material originally made available as part of the Holiness and Humanness series. Designed to be used over six weeks, the Call to Worship, the Holiness and Humanness song and the Interactive Prayer of Confession are the same for each week (nothing wrong with intentional repetition when it comes to gathered weekly worship). The extra resources this week include a Creative Bible Engagement and an Interactive Prayer.

We have been reading parts of the book of Hebrews together and following the way that Jesus is both fully human and fully God. We’ve seen already that this is no half and half mixture in Jesus. Rather, Jesus shows us what being a human is really about, as well as helping us understand what God is really about too. Jesus is the real thing. When it comes to knowing God, Jesus is the real thing. When it comes to understanding ourselves, Jesus is the real thing. When it comes to dealing with sin, Jesus is the real thing.


Are you a starter or a finisher? Do you love starting things, but lose interest before finishing? Or do you love seeing something through to completion? Are you the kind of person who jumps in to finish someone’s….? In the Bible reading from Hebrews 9:11-14, we hear how Jesus is a finisher, a completer. That Jesus completes the things that we can’t finish by ourselves. Jesus has finished the work of making peace for us with God. Suitable for use as part of an Early Word or prayer time, the interactive prayer resource is an encouragement to pray about the things that aren’t yet finished in the world. The work of peace between people isn’t finished yet. The work of justice isn’t finished yet. The work of the reconciling of the whole of Creation isn’t finished yet…so let’s pray!

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Bible References



Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

Year created