Year B Pentecost 25 10/11

Free Resource


These resources are adapted from the material originally made available as part of the Holiness and Humanness series. Designed to be used over six weeks, the Call to Worship, the Holiness and Humanness song and the Interactive Prayer of Confession are the same for each week (nothing wrong with intentional repetition when it comes to gathered weekly worship). The extra resources this week include a Creative Bible Engagement suggestion, and a Creative Prayer Engagement idea, based on Hebrews 9:24-28.

The reading from Hebrews today continues in helping us to understand Jesus’ holiness and humanness. It continues in talking about Jesus’ ministry, contrasting what is real and lasting with what is temporary and transitory. Speaking of ministry, the word ministry in the New Testament means “serving” – like serving chocolate cake. Thus, with chocolate cake, plates and an invitation to collaboration, this Creative Bible Engagement resource explores the things that are real and lasting and the things that are just copies that need replacing again and again.

The reading from Hebrews 9:24-28 also speaks about how all the ways we know of praying and knowing God and worshipping are copies of the real ministry of Jesus. It’s the Jesus stuff that is real and lasting. So while we know that Jesus is the real thing, and all that we do is just a copy, copying Jesus and following his ways is still a very good thing to do. The Creative Prayer Engagement idea is an invitation to explore different ways of copying Jesus’ way of praying – knowing that Jesus takes our copying prayers and makes them real and powerful.

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Bible References



Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

Year created