Regenerational: Introducing churches to intergenerational ministry

Free Resource



This Regenerational resource contains four services, designed to introduce churches to intergenerational ministry, for use in worship with all ages gathered together.

Each service has a summary order of service, details of preparation required and a full service with choices of activities provided to enable local contextualisation. Whilst the services are structured with a particular liturgical format in mind, they can be readily adapted for your specific context as required.

Also included are explanations about WHY we suggest doing things in these ways (accessed through using the WHY buttons). These explanations aim to develop leaders’ understanding and skills in relation to planning for and leading intergenerational worship. Thus, enabling you and your church to develop your own communal worship using these intergenerational principles.

Additional information

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season

Any Time

Written and Compiled by

Dr Sam Richards, Melissa Neumann, Rev Claire Dawe, Chris Barnett

Year created