Dear Friends,

Welcome to the September Update!

Following the amazing Intergen Kids, Families & Church event, the next significant event for ministers, pastors, church leadership teams and those with a specific generational focus is How We Gather Matters. With events taking place in Bendigo, GeelongTraralgon and Parkville, we’ve sought to make this as accessible as possible across the state.  Whilst, as always, there’s much to explore below, let me encourage you to check out How We Gather Matters now and seriously consider registering with others from your community. 



1. How We Gather Matters              Melbourne  Bendigo Geelong Traralgon

Aimed at ministers, pastors and church leaders, as well as being suitable for those with a specific generational focus, How We Gather Matters is arguably the most significant intergenerational ministry resourcing opportunity we are yet to have offered in Victoria. 

With contributions from Darren Philip (UK, author of Being an Intergenerational Church), Christina Embree (USA, from ReFocus) and Tammy Preston (AUS, from Intergenerate ), How We Gather Matters will be an incredibly valuable day!

Traralgon Oct 26   Parkville Oct 29   Geelong Oct 30   Bendigo Oct 31

2. Season of Creation (September Weekly Resources) 

3. Max7 Resources

4. Bible Lego 

5. Some Thoughts From Suzi Farrant

6. Three Simple Things (PRC)

7. Fuller Youth

8. Highlighted Books via Orange