Year B Pentecost 15 Season of Creation – Planet Earth (1/9)

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In 1968 US astronaut William Anders took a photo of the earth from space. It is called Earthrise. It was the first colour photo of the Earth taken from space. According to the BBC, the photo is credited with raising the profile of the gloval environmental movement and led to the creation of Earth Day in 1970.

How do we treat this blue marble located in a deep cosmos? We know that our earth is fragile, beset by the unthinking actions of humanity. How can our readings this week help us reflect on our relationship with God’s creation and this planet.

The reading from Song of Solomon 2:8-13 is about two people taking delight in each other. It has also been interpreted by the church as being the delight that the Church and Christ take in each other. We could also read it as God and creation delighting in each other – and God asking us to also care for and delight in God’s creation.

The readings from Mark 7:1-23 and James 1:17-27 help us focus on our actions as well as our words. We may say with our mouths that God’s creation is good. We may say that God calls us to delight in creation. We may say that it is important to care for the planet and all who live here. But what do our actions say? Are we paying more attention to the outside – the appearance of caring for the earth – then the actions that show caring for the earth. As James writes, ‘Be doers of the word and not merely hearers who deceive themselves.

Additional information

Bible References

Daniel, Genesis, Song of Solomon


Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Michelle Cook

Year created