Lent 1 (18/2)

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Have you noticed how Mark writes almost in shorthand? Stories that are full of details in Matthew and Luke are dealt with in a verse or two at best. To me it feels as though Mark is racing at light speed to get to the heart of the gospel. The story of the Baptism and the temptation in the Wilderness end with a brief statement that after John’s arrest, Jesus arrives and says: ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent and believe in the good news.’ The events here make clear one of the main thrusts of Mark’s gospel: that Jesus is the Messiah, and God’s beloved Son. What better message is there to begin the period of Lent?
We are entering the season of Lent: a period of 40 days as we prepare for the season of Easter. Just as Jesus spent 40 days in the wilderness, we take time to wait, to pray, and to wonder what God is going to do next.
I wonder what Jesus thought about while he was in the wilderness?
I wonder where your reflections will lead you this Lenten Season?

Additional information

Bible References

Genesis, Mark


Year B

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Rev Sandy Brodine

Year created