Sometimes we shy away from talking about sin, about evil, about our capacity for harming others, and our own souls in the process. We’d rather not own up to this sorry part of being human. But Jesus goes there. He turns up in the place of testing – and faces real choices between using his power to serve others or for self-aggrandisement. His struggle with sin is real. He’s not the first though. Genesis tells of how this testing of our choices has always been part of what it means to be Human, to be responsible, to be open to choose.
And Romans tracks this same pattern from the first human right down the line across all ages.
We don’t need to squeeze a theology of total depravity from these texts – rather a theology of total solidarity. We are all in the same struggle, with the same stuff and as much as our stains of sin spread from one out over everything, so too, the love and grace of God also spreads from one to us all. God meets us there, in the garden, in the wilderness, in the cross – the places of testing.
This resource compiled and written by Elizabeth Waldron Anstice contains Bible Engagement, interactive Prayer and Music.