Year B Pentecost 14 (25/8)

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In Ephesians 6:10-20, we come to the end of the letter to the Ephesians with a graphic picture of the mighty power of God in Christ. ‘Be strong in the Lord”, the Apostle Paul instructs the Ephesians. Throughout the letter, Paul has already instructed them how to live as God’s people in a place where there is hostility and division, even within the new church. He has told them time and again to look to Christ, to seek God’s wisdom, and to walk in love – letting their love show others the love of Christ.

In today’s reading Paul uses military metaphors to describe how the new Christian community is to remain strong in their faith. The description of armour would have been recognised by the original recipients of this letter as they lived in the era of Pax Romana or “Roman Peace”. So, it makes sense that the writer of Ephesians would use contemporary military images to get the people’s attention about living God’s way. Nevertheless, in the light of the conflicts and wars that are ever-present in modern time, we may not sit so comfortably with these images.

However, these metaphors help us to realise that there are times and places of opposition to the Gospel and, like the Ephesians, we need to be prepared and strong in our faith to overcome such challenges. But this is not our personal battle alone. Paul reminds us that it is Christ who confronts the powers of evil in the world, and we “put on” Christ (Ephesians 6:11) to resist the corruption that the powers of opposition seek to bring upon us.

The letter concludes with instruction to never stop praying, and especially to pray for others. It is prayer that supports and upholds the community of faith. Pray is what makes us and the community strong, so we can persevere even in the face of opposition. Prayer keeps us connected to God, strong in power in Christ.

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Year B

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Written and Compiled by

Rev Beth Nicholls

Year created