Year B Pentecost 22 20/10

Free Resource


These resources are adapted from the material originally made available as part of the Holiness and Humanness series. Designed to be used over six weeks, the Call to Worship, the Holiness and Humanness song and the Interactive Prayer of Confession are the same for each week (nothing wrong with intentional repetition when it comes to gathered weekly worship). The extra resources this week include a Creative Bible Engagement suggestion, and a Creative Prayer Engagement idea, based on Hebrews 5:1-10.

The book of Hebrews in the Bible is different to many of the other writings in the New Testament. It is chock-a-block full of images from ancient Israelite or Jewish religion: sacrifices, offerings, altars, prayers, bulls, goats, covenant, law, commandments, oaths, priests. Almost everything that was precious and important to their ancient faith. Almost everything. Something important is missing!

But the writer to the Hebrews isn’t worried about what’s missing. Instead, they are focused on Jesus. They explain how Jesus takes the place of the thing that was no longer present. They identify Jesus as the great High Priest who never needs replacing. In today’s Creative Bible Engagement, we’ll get to use a few blocks, some dress-ups and our imaginations to work out what’s not present, why it’s not present and the reason its absence is not a problem.

Based on Hebrews 5:1-10, the Creative Prayer resource comprises an extended introduction – in the form of a scripted drama – to an interactive time of prayer. Though originally written to introduce a time of praying for others and for the world, it could also be used as an introduction to a prayer of confession.

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Bible References



Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

Year created