Year B Pentecost 23 27/10

Free Resource


These resources are adapted from the material originally made available as part of the Holiness and Humanness series. Designed to be used over six weeks, the Call to Worship, the Holiness and Humanness song and the Interactive Prayer of Confession are the same for each week (nothing wrong with intentional repetition when it comes to gathered weekly worship). The extra resources for this week comprise a Creative Bible Engagement and an Interactive Prayer Engagement.

The writer of the book of Hebrews makes a big contrast between all of the priests that had made sacrifices and prayers in the past – who eventually ran out of energy, died, and had to be replaced – compared with the forever life and love and making things right of Jesus.

The people of God in the first century saw, yet again, their temple destroyed and their communities scattered. What could they depend upon? What remained? What was left?

The book of Hebrews points to Jesus as the one who remains, forever, always representing us, always carrying our prayers. Unlike bread in particular and food more generally, prayers have no use-by date. We trust them to Jesus who is Permanently, Continually, Forever, Always the Lord of the cosmos, loving us all, and making things right. This week’s interactive prayer engagement uses bread clips without a use by date, and an infinity shaped clothesline, to remind us of Jesus’ never-ending love and care for all our concerns and prayers for one another and the world.

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Bible References



Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

Year created