Pentecost 19

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This week we are spending time exploring how God reveals Godself in lots of ways.

Have you ever been captivated by the natural world? It is hard not to stand still for a moment when the sky suddenly transforms into a collage of red, blue, purple, yellow and orange at sunset. Or have you experienced refreshment or wonder when you opened up the bible and discussed it with friends? The Psalm this week begins by drawing our attention to the glory of God as revealed in the natural world but then moves into describing the beauty and power of God’s Word as revealed to us in the bible. This week we will reflect on how both the natural world and the Word of God shine a spotlight on the majesty and life-giving character of God.

In Paul’s letter to the Philippians, we read some challenging things. He writes to Jewish-Christians who insist that Gentile believers need to adhere to certain practices in Jewish law in order to be saved and belong to the people of God. Paul points out that these are no longer necessary as faith in Christ is sufficient. In order to do so, Paul points out that he out of anyone would have cause to put confidence in, and boast about, his credentials. He was a Pharisee from the tribe of Benjamin and circumcised according to correct custom (Philippians 3:4-6). He could add more things to the list but boldly states that he considers all of these assets and achievements as garbage compared to Christ (Philippians 3:7-8). There is nothing that Paul or anyone can do that will make them more deserving of Christ. The righteousness that Paul can claim comes only as a gift through his faith in Christ (Philippians 3:9). This week we will ask- what do we put our confidence in? Are we also tempted to think that what we do makes us more deserving of Christ?

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Bible References

Phillipians, Psalm


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Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Alison Knox

Year created