Year B Pentecost 9 (21/7)

Free Resource


Last week, we focussed on the Ephesians 1 Bible reading and on the spiritual blessings given to us. We heard words like adoption, chosen, belonging, and forgiveness, and we considered what these blessings mean to us.

This week, using resources based on readings from Psalm 23, Mark 6, and Ephesians 2, we continue to consider how God unifies, reconciles, restores, comforts, and has compassion for us.

But first, before we bask in the warmth of God’s blessings and goodness to us, let’s take some time to think about how it feels to not have those things.

What does it feel like to be different?  What does it feel like to be rejected?  What does it feel like to be alone? What does it feel like to not be comforted and nurtured? Unfortunately, all we need to do is turn on the news and we see and hear examples of people being rejected, separated, pulled down, and at war with others who are ‘different’ from them.

This week, a number of the resources will deliberately ask us to focus on our differences, and on what it feels like to be distant, rejected, and alone. It may be uncomfortable and jarring. It may be unsettling.

But, don’t worry…after we’ve spent time dwelling on the negative aspects of our human nature, we will spend time listening to our Bible readings, and we’ll gain a new appreciation of God’s gifts of unity, restoration, reconciliation, and comfort – not just for ourselves but for all people.

Additional information

Bible References

Ephesians, Mark, Psalm


Year B

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Katherine Ruhle

Year created