Epiphany 6

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Life is complex. The call to follow Jesus means we will face questions within ourselves, finding our own path, and challenges in relationships, as we work through how to find our way in community. The readings this week address both this inner personal journey (Psalm 119) and the outer shared journey (1 Corinthians 3) and the complex ethical challenges of relationships (Matt 5).

How grateful we can be that Jesus’ teaching doesn’t dodge the difficult feels and reals of relationships.

How grateful we can be for the psalmist who trod a fraught but faithful road and wrote poetry for us to draw encouragement from.

How grateful we can be that the early Corinthian believers kept such a rich collection of images to help understand the ways of the Kingdom.

Developed by Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

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Year A

Resource for

Individual Week

Religious Season


Written and Compiled by

Elizabeth Waldron Anstice

Year created